Saturday 17 August 2013

Some words from our Lodgers

Today at rest hour, I went around to a few cabins and talked to some of the lodgers and counsellors about camp - what they love, what they enjoy remembering, what keeps them coming back etc.

Here are some of the answers from lodgers Simon, Kevin, Darren, Jeremy, Charlie; and staff Jas, Connor and Neal:

Simon says that he loves doing the Games/Life Skills program with Alix. He is is coming back next year because "that's easy, I like it here!"

Kevin likes Archery the most. It was the focus of walk-and-roll-a-thon last year, so it's becoming more and more popular for sure.

Their floater Jas has some fond memories of Kevin always trying to sell her things to lodgers, staff and visitors who walk by the cabin.

Darren informed me today, he has been coming to camp since 1988. He just keeps coming back because he too, simply put, likes it. He also gets a kick out of when Simon gets the cabin-mates names mixed up.

This morning, counsellor Brian got to take his cabin to the mini-putting course. He says it was the highlight of his lodge so far. He and Connor always have fun when the games consist of playing against other counsellors - they can quickly become games where pride is on the line! Connor always loves to win against other cabins...To this, Simon says "good man, Connor, good man".

Neal says that the reason he keeps coming back to work here is because "it's the most fun job I've ever had in my lifetime". His highlights consist of being tickle tackled by the gang at centr field and seeing how long he can last without tapping out.

All in all, this lodge has been extremely fun. We have some more great lodgers here who continue to keep the spirit of camp strong. It's good to hear the things that the lodgers like so we can continue to improve camp!

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