Tuesday 13 August 2013

Third Lodge!

Welcome to Third Lodge, everybody!

As the last lodge begins, we are getting very excited about celebrating "Spirit Week". With a good six weeks of camp behind us, we are able to look back at all the things we have appreciated about camp this year and continue to look forward to enjoying the created atmosphere.

Camp this year has had a very prominent focus on friendship. Our Open Rec program (the hour after rest hour) especially has focused around friendship building activities that include all cabins at once to encourage friendships outside of the ones made just in the cabins.

This lodge, we have many returning lodgers back with us, which is very fun! Opening day was great to see the familiar faces, as was hearing the returning lodgers greet each other after not interacting for a few weeks. I for one am excited to see how the friendships become deeper as the summer quickly approaches its end.

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