Monday 15 July 2013

Back at It

I just found some breathing time on opening day for All Ages Lodge.

I first would just like to thank everyone who was involved in any capacity. If you came to camp as a lodger, if you brought a lodger, picked up a lodger, called a lodger, volunteered, visited or donated to camp, we sincerely appreciate it. It's a cliche statement to make, but we could not be where we are without you wonderful people. From the bottom of all of our hearts, thank you. Thank you a hundred times over!

As first lodger ended, all the staff had the weekend off to rest up, reflect on how it went, and get prepared for the younger crowed who are currently registering. Opening days are always a little hectic (as most of you who are reading this know), but the business is closely accompanied by excitement and anticipation for the next two weeks. The forecast looks a little sunnier and warm this week, which brings its own set of excitements and challenges.

This lodge we feature carnival and fantasy week. We have some fun program ideas up our sleeves and a lot of costumes that will help to boost camp spirit and excitement.

We're excited to get this lodge under way as well.

As always, if you have any comments or questions, you can email

Thanks again to all!

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