Tuesday 23 July 2013

The memory of camp

For the past few days, we have been thinking and talking about camp memories. At Chapel on Sunday, a staff member told a story about how camp got to where it is. I guess you could say it was Belwood Lodge and Camp's memory. She described all different places on camp property that have changed and evolved over the years. I decided it would be nice to upload some photos of camp property and describe a little bit of it's memory - of how it came to be how it is today...So, here it goes! 

This is the Activity Centre. (As a side note, it is the focus of our Walk-and-Roll-a-thon this year). The AC is used for board games, puzzles, ping pong, air lites, air hockey, the bouncer and other fun activities like that.  It is a recent addition to camp - and by recent, I mean after 1970. Around a decade ago, though, the AC got replaced because of a fire. It is now proudly holds the "I love Camp" sign, and continues to be a favourite program place for many people - lodgers and staff alike.

The Nature Centre (2006) and the Barnyard (2011) are some of the newest additions to camp.  The barn was built before 2011, but was deemed unsafe. It reopened again just a few years ago and has been a hit since. This year, we have 2 sheep, 3 pigs, some rabbits and some chickens. We are doing a community garden this year at the nature centre. It's really nice to see the space there being put to great use, and it's also nice to see the project progress throughout the summer.

These are pictures of 'Pete's Place' - our camping destination! In 2008, we replaced the army tents with the tee-pees. It is much more of an experience with these tee-pees. The campfires and sounds of the water front make camping a nice getaway on the weekends at camp. Pete's Place is actually named after a previous staff member (as is Harry's Hollow, which is on the opposite side of camp). 

The baseball diamond was the recipient of Walk-and-Roll in 2006. This is the spot where every year we take on the Kwanians in a baseball match.  There's not much to say about this place, except that it is such an improvement from the make-shift diamond that used to be there. It's a fun program that includes benches for those who would prefer to watch the game as opposed to play. (I am included in that group of people). 

These are the cabins! They are beautiful! They take the place of the rickety white cabins some may remember. They were built in stages, and the new design is much more accessible. The colours coordinate with each other - Green, Orange, Red, Yellow and Blue on each 'side' of camp.

Camp has come a long way. We are proud of our past, as it has made us what we are today - and we love what camp has become! It's fun to think about where we might be soon. All of this has been possible because of YOUR support, so thanks for that. Many, many people have benefited because of the support you have all shown, weather it has been by sending people to camp to volunteering to donating. We have the best support system!

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