Wednesday 17 July 2013

Hot hot heat! is sweltering. As the thermometer rises, so do the creative ways we have had to discover to keep everyone cool.  From swimming in the pool to spraying the pigs to running through the sprinklers, everyone seems to be happy about the water games and the relief they provide. To get excited about our carnival tomorrow, we are going to be watching the movie Madagascar 3. It will also be nice to sit down and not have to run around in this heat.

Some of the lodgers got to go to the zoo today. They each got placed in animal groups. The team name corresponded with an animal that is held at the zoo. The teams were encouraged to learn about their animal and intentionally visit its exhibit.

Tomorrow marks the first mini-banquet of 2013.  For the people who are staying just for the first week, we are going to celebrate by having an outdoor dinner, awards and dressing up included. It will be sad to see our short-term lodgers leave, but it has been a fun time getting to know each other, and we look forward to meeting the next week's lodgers who will come on Monday!

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