Monday 1 July 2013

Opening Day is Finally Here!

Here we are at the start of another summer at Belwood Lodge and Camp!

2013 is a very exciting year for camp. New program changes bring a lot of excitement into the summer. As we completed training week last week, our anticipation grew for opening day.

After all the clothing lists were done, and the day got under way, we decided to talk to some lodgers about what they were most excited about for this season, and about what they most enjoyed about previous years at camp. Ken is excited for the Blue Jays out trip that will be happening on Wednesday, while Jean says she’s excited for “swimming and some other activities like nature”.  The addition of the new Program Counsellor positions allow for more specific and theme-based programs that hopefully will be able to feed into the excitement the lodgers seem to have about day-to-day program at camp.

More important than the new changes camp is seeing this year, though, are the memories that Ken shared with me.  They are just what we strive towards here at camp: “Lots of good times with a lot of friends.” That’s a main focus for Belwood Lodge and Camp, and even more this year than in years past: friendships. Looking out my office window at all the lodgers going to their programs, I’m very excited about all the new friendships that are forming, are going to be formed, and all the old ones that are going to continue to grow. 

It’s a happy day at camp today! And we’re excited about the summer finally arriving!

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