Monday 8 July 2013

Full Steam Ahead!

Today we welcomed all the lodgers who are staying with us for one week. 

Now that all the cabins are full, things are going full speed ahead into a wonderful summer.  We had a nice amount of sunshine, tuck, and are having Kangaroo Court (a "fun-rule-making" game) today, making today one of the highlights of first lodge so far. 

As I sit down to write this blog, I'm trying to go through all the events of today to pick something to elaborate on, but it's proving to be a difficult task. One exciting thing that comes to mind is the Lodge Newspaper. As this gets underway, it's fun to hear what things the lodgers enjoyed the most so far about camp and what they are still looking forward to. It's also fun to act as reporters and photographers to capture the highlights of day-to-day camp and attempt to put into words the special moments that happen while we're here; one of which being the Chapel that we held yesterday morning. Our theme was "I <3 camp", and it was very fun to hear from the lodgers the reasons they love camp. The theme of friendship often camp up - it is a place where friendships are indeed made, it seems. 

One other thing I have been noticing these past few days is the unique relationship development that is happening between lodgers and staff, lodgers and lodgers, and staff and staff. It's almost like a self-discovery camp here at Belwood, finding out the different ways in which we thrive. I feel like the statement often said about camp, that "there truly is no place on earth like it" is indeed a truth I've come to learn about Belwood. (My apologies if these blog entries sound the same. I seem to talk a lot about how special camp is, but I honestly couldn't think of something more heartfelt and sincere to say about this place.)

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