Wednesday 31 July 2013

The Half-way Point

So I've been putting off updating the blog the past few days because it hit me that this week marks the middle of the summer...meaning, we're half-way done camp...meaning, in just a few more short weeks, camp will be empty. I don't really want to think about that. It's much too sad. Today, though, I've decided I can brave the sadness and put my best foot forward to talk about the fun things that are happening in Second Lodge.

Last night, we celebrated everyone's birthday by having a Birthday Party for mass program. All of the cabins rotated through party games like Musical Chairs, Bouncing on the Bouncer, Balloon Games, Pin the Mustache on the Mario, Parachute, The Egg and Spoon Race, Apple Bobbing, Tag, and Ball Toss. To top it off, we all got Ice Cream to celebrate!

Please enjoy these pictures that were taken last night!

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